Q. How long will I be involved for?
A. As a Gathering Principal, you will be in office for a three year term. In your first year of office will be the “Braw Lad” or “Braw Lass”, the second “Bearer of the Sod” or “Bearer of the Red Roses” and the third year “Bearer of the Stone” or “Bearer of the White Roses”.
Q. Time wise, what level of commitment will I be asked to make?
A. The season usually lasts from Declaration Night, at the end of April through to September. Naturally there are a few things to learn before the Gathering starts. There are rehearsals for Ceremonials and the Braw Lads’ Reel (usually held at the same time). Horse Riding practise will also give you the skills to ensure that you are comfortable carrying out your duties and role on horseback. The rehearsals and horse riding will require you to be available and these are scheduled (with consultation) as to the best time to meet up. As a Gathering Principal you will be asked to attend events in neighbouring Border Towns at their Common Ridings or Festivals where you will an ambassador of the Braw Lads’ Gathering. Some of these events take place on a Friday. In your three year term of office it is suggested that you take annual leave during the week of the Gathering to allow you to make the traditional visits to our Schools and Hospitals.
Q. Am I eligible to apply for Braw Lad or Braw Lass?
A. To be eligible you will have been born in Galashiels or the surrounding area (i.e. TD1) or have had your birth registered in Galashiels and have been resident in the TD1 area for a period of at least 12 years immediately prior to any potential application. You can apply if you are unmarried and have not been married before. The Gathering asks that you do not marry during your first year in office (you are however able to after your first year in office). You should be at least 18 years of age at 31st January 2025 (there is no upper age limit). You should not be a past Gathering Principal. You will be part of a team of six Principals and you will have, for ceremonial purposes, an appointed Ceremonial Partner for the three years you will be in office.
Q. What is expected of me as a Braw Lad or Braw Lass?
A. If you are applying to be a Gathering Principal you will already have a sense of duty and fun. As a Principal of the Gathering you will respectfully uphold the traditions of the Burgh and fulfil your duties to the best of your ability. You will be an Ambassador for the Town, as such you will be asked to ensure that you are appropriate in manner and appearance when doing so, this is asked of you in Galashiels and whilst representing the Braw Lads’ Gathering at other Border Common Ridings and Festivals.
Q. What will I be asked to do when representing the Gathering out with the Gathering week?
A. The Border Towns will have their own traditions and ceremonies, you will be invited to take part through either direct invitation or via the Clerk to the Gathering. Invitations will ask you to attend their Official Ball, Dinner, Concert, Ride Out as well as other events. As Braw Lad or Braw Lass many of these will be complimentary, in following years tickets for these events will often be chargeable. The exception being if you are acting on behalf of that years Braw Lad and Braw Lass who may not be able to attend in person. A fundraiser can be organised by the six Principals for the sole purposes of offsetting ticket costs directly associated with the attendance at functions in years two and three.
Q. What can I expect from the Braw Lads’ Gathering?
A. The Braw Lads’ Executive Council and its Members will be responsible for the delivery of the Gathering. To do that we must all play our part, that will include you. The Executive will provide you with the necessary skills to ensure that you can carry out your duties and uphold the traditions of the Burgh.. The Gathering will gift to you tailored ceremonial outfits, riding boots, stocks, gloves, shirts, tie, balmoral and regulation skull cap. The Braw Lads’ Executive Council will supply and pay for all the horses necessary for the practice and ceremonial rides. As Braw Lad and Braw Lass you will also receive 4 additional horses which are given to allow you to attend specified rides. After year one you will receive all practise and ceremonial rides plus 2 additional horses. As Braw Lad and Braw Lass you will each receive a financial grant. That grant is designed to offset some costs associated with your role as a Gathering Principal. In years two and three a grant is also given but it is less than your initial year in office. The Braw Lads’ Executive Council works with the Ex-Braw Lads’ and Lasses' Association who contribute significantly to making our Gathering Principals among the best dressed in the Borders. More specific details on funding can be requested from the Clerk to the Gathering.
Q. Will I be able to access extra tickets for functions should I need them?
A. The Braw Lads Executive Council and the Ex-Braw Lads’ and Lasses' Association will provide you with your ticket. Extra tickets are allocated on a request basis, automatically two tickets per Principal are allocated to family members.
Q. Who can I contact to find more?
A. We realise that there will be unanswered questions, the best person to discuss those is the Clerk to the Gathering,
The Clerk can supply you with an application pack should you require one. Contact by clicking the button below.